Reverendo Armando Garcia ULCM
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viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

Unscrooged Hearts

An Encouraging Word With Max Lucado

Some people resist the change. The ungrateful servant did. In the story Jesus told, the servant owed more money to the king than he could ever repay. Try as he might, the man couldn't make the payments. He'd sooner find frogs in the clouds than he'd find cash for the debt. "So the king ordered that he, his wife, his children, and everything he had be sold to pay the debt. But the man fell down before the king and begged him, 'Oh, sir, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.' Then the king was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt" (Matt. 18:25–27 NLT).
The man made a beeline to the house of a person who owed him a few dollars. The just-blessed will become the quick-to-bless, right? Not in this case. He demanded payment. He turned a deaf ear to the fellow's pleas for mercy and locked him in debtors' prison.
How could he be so scroogey? Jesus doesn't tell us. He leaves us to speculate, and I speculate this much: grace never happened to him. He thought he had bamboozled the system and fleeced the old man. He exited the king's castle not with a thankful heart ("What a great king I serve!") but with a puffy chest ("What a shrewd man I am!"). The king learned of the self-centered response and went ballistic. "You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. Shouldn't you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?" (vv. 32–33NLT).
The grace-given give grace.
Is grace happening to you?

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Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Jesucristo: este sitio es un verdadero paso de fe. Estamos buscando colaboraciones gratuitas de periodistas que escriben sobre temas cristianos. También nos gustaría que los eruditos de la Biblia compartan sus estudios de la Palabra y Dios. Queremos historias, testimonios y entrevistas con pastores sobre sus cruzadas cristianas; etc. A medida que Dios proporciona más recursos, esta página crecerá. Se aceptan ofrendas de acuerdo a: 2 Corintios 9: 7 (NVI)  "Cada uno de ustedes debe dar lo que han decidido en su corazón dar, no a regañadientes o por compulsión, porque Dios ama a un dador alegre". Gracias y que Dios lo Bendiga Iglesia Universal de la Vida Reverendo Armando García, Ministerio Alpha & Omega EE. UU.- Email