El ministerio ALPHA & OMEGA de la Iglesia Universal de la Vida esta desarrollando congregaciones ofreciendo clases de la Biblia en español y cadenas de oración para los necesitados. Necesitamos sitios para enseñar la Palabra de Dios. Póngase en contacto con el Reverendo Armando García ULCM enviando un correo electrónico a: alphayomega.wwjd@gmail.com
Reverendo Armando Garcia ULCM
2602 MacArthur Avenue
South Bend, Indiana 46615
Universal Life Church, Headquarters
601 Third St. Modesto, CA 95351 Office Ph: 209-527-8111 Fax: 209-527-8116
1a. Corintios 15: 33 y 34No erreis; las malas conversaciones corrompen las buenas costumbres. Velad debidamente, y no pequeis; porque algunos no conocen a Dios; para vergüenza vuestra lo digo.
En un mundo ideal, todas nuestras relaciones deberian acercarnos mas al Señor. Sin embargo, debido al pecado, no es asi. Dios quiere que ejerzamos influencia en aquellos que no estan andando en obediencia a El, pero si no tenemos cuidado podemos facilmente terminar siguiendolos a ellos. Como debemos lidiar con las relaciones que nos perjudican, en vez de edificarnos?
Oracion: El primer paso es orar por las personas que tiendan a alejarle del Señor. No es tarea suya cambiarlas, pero puede pedirle a Dios que obre en sus vidas. Y no olvide pedirle que le de la sabiduria y la paciencia que necesita en sus relaciones con ellas.
Separacion: Es posible que tenga que romper con una relacion si ella esta obstaculizando su andar con el Señor. Sin embargo, esto debe hacerse solo despues de mucha oracion y de sabios consejos. Recuerde que algunas relaciones estan destinadas a ser permanentes, por lo que debe escuchar cuidadosamente lo que Dios le este diciendo.
Perseverancia: Si la relacion negativa nunca cambia, y el Señor no le esta llamando a romper la relacion con esa persona, entonces El quiere que usted persevere en la situacion. Su objetivo es caminar fielmente con su Padre celestial a pesar de cualquier obstaculo u oposicion.
Si usted mantiene relaciones negativas, cultive buenas relaciones con personas que puedan ayudarle a crecer en su fe. Dedique tiempo a la Palabra de Dios, llenando su mente con verdades que anclen su alma en situaciones tormentosas, y pueda en el futuro influenciar positivamente a otras personas.
El 1 y 2 de Noviembre en la ciudad de Cuenca-Ecuador se efectua la conferencia de pastores y lideres de Calvary Chapel Association.
📌El tema de este año será FE.📌 Si quieres asistir de cualquier parte de America sólo déjanos saber y te daremos mas información. EXPOSITORES 1.- ¿Que es la FE? Marco Bustamante PERÚ🇵🇪 2.- La FE de Abraham. Nestor Fernandez ECUADOR🇪🇨️ 3..- La FE de Rut. Alberto Alamos CHILE🇨🇱️ 4.- La FE de Pablo. Fredy Morocho ECUADOR🇪🇨️ 5.- La FE de Pedro. Cesar Shica PERÚ🇵🇪 6.- La FE de dos gentiles Lucho Garcia PERÚ🇵🇪 🔴Valor: $10 incluye materiales y refrigerio. Jueves 1 de Noviembre. 18:00 Viernes2 de Noviembre 15:00
A spell to "bind" president Trump went viral following his inauguration. In above photo, the required materials for the spell sit assembled and ready for use.
You’ve probably heard of "The Resistance", a movement working to combat the Trump administration’s agenda and policy proposals. But did you know there’s also a "Magic Resistance"?
Comprised of at least 13,000 neo-pagans, Wiccans, and witches, the group holds monthly meetings and casts spells on the president. These meetings sometimes consist of simply joining an internet chat room to talk strategy, but the Magic Resistance has also organized numerous in-person gatherings. On every waning crescent moon, at the stroke of midnight, they channel their collective energy to cast a “binding” spell on the president – an attempt to limit his power and, they hope, eventually get him removed from office.
This unique exercise drew the attention of numerous media outlets, even landing one prominent Los Angeles witch on a prime time Fox News program:
Binding Spell Goes Viral
Shortly after Trump entered office, a spell began circulating online and quickly spread like digital wildfire. Originally published on the website Medium, “A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him” was soon being practiced by thousands around the country.
Examples of required materials for the spell include:
Unflattering photo of Trump (small)
Tower tarot card (from any deck)
Tiny stub of an orange candle
After the lighting of a ceremonial candle, the spell begins:
Hear me, oh spirits Of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air Heavenly hosts Demons of the infernal realm And spirits of the ancestors I call upon you To bind Donald J. Trump So that his malignant works may fail utterly That he may do no harm To any human soul Nor any tree Animal Rock Stream or Sea
Fighting Fire with Fire
Some members of “The Resistance” no doubt view this exercise as a strange strategy for combating the Trump administration. But according to the creator of this now-famous spell, Michael M. Hughes, his occult group is simply fighting fire with fire. "My thought from the beginning was that Trump's presidency was surreal and abnormal, therefore there was a need to counter him and resist his administration beyond the normal channels like public protests, petitions, emails, and calls to representatives,” Hughes explains.
Is Magic Real?
But have these spells had any effect? It’s hard to say. On the one hand, a number of Trump's policy proposals – such as the travel ban and building a border wall – have thus far been thwarted. Yet, Trump still remains in office. And he recently succeeded in appointing controversial judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, despite last minute efforts to block the appointment (which even included the creation of a Kavanaugh-specific binding spell.)
Kate Doucette, a proud member of the Magic Resistance, told reporters that even she has her doubts about the efficacy of the spells. “I’m cynical. Much as I don’t think my vote has an effect, I don’t think my spell is binding anyone,” she admits.
But that’s not to say the movement serves no purpose. Many “resistance witches” say they find satisfaction simply in working together and being part of a tight-knit group that participates in regular rituals. As Doucette explains: “For me, the practice of a community getting together for a common goal … it kind of filled something in me.”
In that sense, are Magic Resistance meetings really so different from a traditional church congregation gathering for prayer?
'The Nun' hit movie theaters this fall, generating discussions about the role demons play in the story of Catholicism.
During the Halloween season, it’s a popular tradition to watch horror movies. A really scary movie can engage our “fight or flight” response, keeping us on edge as our bodies are pumped up with adrenaline and dopamine.
One such film that came out recently was James Wan’s “The Nun” - the latest in his “Conjuring” movie series. Any films involving demonology and exorcism are intriguing in that for many people, these are believed to be very real dangers. The fact that the story includes numerous Catholic elements created another layer of intrigue; some critics latched onto the demonic possession scenes in the movie as a metaphor for the plague of scandals infesting the Catholic Church. Interestingly, this is far less of a fringe theory than it might initially seem - just ask Pope Francis.
However, in this post we're simply going to focus on how the movie portrays certain supernatural elements as compared to actual Catholic doctrine.
Demons 101
Before we discuss some of the specifics of the movie, it’s important to understand a bit about demons in general. The basic beliefs regarding the metaphysics of demons are shared across Christianity. It goes something like this: a beautiful and powerful angel became consumed with vanity and fancied himself an equal to God. This angel rebelled, rallying many others to his side. In response, God banished him and his acolytes from Heaven. These fallen angels would spend the hundreds of years mocking God and his faithful in the form of demons, passing between Hell and Earth through portals.
Demon possession and exorcism appear a few times in the Bible, giving credence to the basic plot element of The Nun. In the Book of Matthew, Jesus casts out a group of demons from some men. The spirits ask if they could instead possess some nearby pigs, to which Jesus agrees - establishing a Biblical basis for the notion that demons can possess or control animals as well as people.
In the Book of Acts, some Jews invoke the name of Jesus to cast out demons from possessed men. One demon claims that while he knows of Jesus, he knows nothing of this group of “non-believers” and attacks and overpowers the group. This shows that the invocation of Christ can ward off or disturb demons.
What’s interesting to note about these passages is that both Catholics and Protestants believe them to be describing real historical events. Present day protestants, however, reject the Catholic view of the permeability of the physical and supernatural worlds. By and large, protestants do not believe in demon possession and therefore do not have an official rite of exorcism.
Is 'The Nun' Authentically Catholic?
The best answer we can give: sort of. The story takes place in mid-twentieth century Romania and after a mysterious event takes place at a monastery, the Vatican dispatches Father Burke, a man with a traumatic past involving exorcism, and Sister Irene, a young woman afflicted with visions who hasn’t yet taken her vows to become a full-fledged nun.
The two arrive to investigate the incident and determine if the monastery is still holy. They are haunted by apparitions as physical objects around them are being supernaturally manipulated. Some characters become possessed by an evil spirit that often takes the form of a nun.
The evil spirit also takes the form of a young boy who can summon and control snakes. This closely resembles Valac, the grand president of Hell as described in the Lesser Key of Solomon, a book on demonology. The filmmakers even use Valac as the name for their evil character.
In the movie, Father Burke and Sister Irene also find a door beneath the monastery, which they refer to as a portal, marked “Finit hic, Deo”, which is Latin for God ends here. Portals in actual Catholicism would be any route by which one invites sin into his life. This would be something like pornography or tarot cards, for example.
The characters often hold crucifixes and rosaries, which would be common for actual Catholics. These are used during prayer in both the film and in real life. The characters are often seen praying to the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. This is also a common practice for Catholics.
All in all, The Nun was a fairly entertaining movie, even if it did exaggerate or sometimes flat out get things wrong about Catholic doctrine. Of course, it is not exactly intended to be a vocational film for aspiring demonologists. However, if you do you want to learn more about demonic possession and exorcism, we recommend picking up a copy of An Exorcist Explains the Demonic, newly available in our online store.
Hebreos 12:1-3 Por tanto, nosotros tambien, teniendo en derredor nuestro tan grande nube de testigos, despojemonos de todo peso y del pecado que nos asedia, y corramos con paciencia la carrera que tenemos por delante, puestos los ojos en Jesus, el autor y consumador de la fe, el cual por el gozo puesto delante de el sufrio la cruz, menospreciando el oprobio, y se sento a la diestra del trono de Dios. Considerad a aquel que sufrio tal contradiccion de pecadores contra si mismo, para que vuestro animo no se canse hasta desmayar.
Ha sentido usted alguna vez como si hubiera perdido el rumbo? Quizas iba muy bien, pero de repente, no estuvo seguro de que camino tomar. De vez en cuando, todos enfrentamos circunstancias en las que nuestro sentido de dirección espiritual parece confuso. Pero, afortunadamente, Hebreos 12.1-3 ofrece un plan claro para que encaminemos nuestra vida despues de que hayamos dado pasos en falso.
Primero, =despojemonos de todo peso=. En otras palabras, debemos quitar cualquier cosa de nuestra vida cuyo peso nos este agobiando como el estres, la culpa, el temor, la vergüenza y el remordimiento.
Segundo, =despojemonos.... del pecado que nos asedia=. Se ha sentido alguna vez totalmente impotente a causa de su pecado? Cuando no se le presta atención al pecado, este crece como una enredadera silvestre. El pecado puede empezar siendo pequeño, pero podra apoderarse de usted si no extirpa su raíz temprano.
Tercero, =corramos con paciencia la carrera que tenemos por delante=. Eso significa que debemos mantenernos enfocados, y si caemos, levantarnos otra vez, y avanzar. Con la determinacion de un atleta olimpico, seguimos adelante con nuestra mirada en la meta, a pesar de los obstaculos y las distracciones.
Pero, aun cuando nos sintamos perdidos, podemos estar seguros de que Dios tiene un plan especifico para nuestra vida. El sabe donde hemos estado, donde estamos ahora, y hacia donde nos dirigimos. La ruta ha sido puesta delante de nosotros, y el Señor Jesus se encuentra esperando en la linea de llegada.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Jesucristo: este sitio es un verdadero paso de fe.
Estamos buscando colaboraciones gratuitas de periodistas que escriben sobre temas cristianos.
También nos gustaría que los eruditos de la Biblia compartan sus estudios de la Palabra y Dios. Queremos historias, testimonios y entrevistas con pastores sobre sus cruzadas cristianas; etc.
A medida que Dios proporciona más recursos, esta página crecerá. Se aceptan ofrendas de acuerdo a:
2 Corintios 9: 7 (NVI)
"Cada uno de ustedes debe dar lo que han decidido en su corazón dar, no a regañadientes o por compulsión, porque Dios ama a un dador alegre".
Gracias y que Dios lo Bendiga
Iglesia Universal de la Vida
Reverendo Armando García,
Ministerio Alpha & Omega
EE. UU.- Email alphayomega.wwjd@gmail.com